ピアノデュオでも活躍し、第1回アルカスピアノコンクール全デュオ部門グランプリ受賞、第9回 かやぶき音楽堂デュオコンクールグランプリ受賞、2015年ピティナピアノコンペティション2台ピアノ部門全国大会優勝などの実績を上げている。
在学中からこれまで多数のリサイタル・コンサートを開催。2020年には佐渡建洋とのデュオでベートーヴェン生誕250周年記念「2台ピアノによる『第九』演奏会」を東京の五反田文化センターと佐賀の佐賀市文化会館にて開催。好評を博し、2022年12月にも佐賀市文化会館主催で同コンサートを開催。2022年2月と9月に日本を代表するバリトン歌手・河野克典氏とデュオリサイタルを開催。歌曲伴奏者としても活躍。 2023年には佐賀と京都にて「大坪健人ピアノリサイタル・熱響のシューマン」を開催。
[Taketo Otsubo]
Born in Saga City, Saga Prefecture, Japan, she began playing piano at the age of four and performed with the Polish National Chamber Orchestra in Krakow at the age of 14. After graduating from the Faculty of Music at Kyoto City University of Arts, he studied under Midori Nohara in the Master's Program of the same university's Graduate School of Music. After graduating from Kyoto City University of Arts, he continued his studies at the Graduate School of Music at the Carl Maria von Weber University of Music and Performing Arts Dresden under the direction of Winfried Arpel, graduating at the top of his class. During his studies, he performed in many concerts, including an outdoor recital organized by Jungemeister.
He has received many awards including the 3rd prize at the 25th Takarazuka Vega Music Competition, the 3rd prize and the Moonlight Prize at the 22nd Huppert Tosu Piano Competition, the Invitation Prize at the 7th and 9th Kobe Art Center Memorial Piano Competitions, the Saga Prefecture Music Newcomer Prize, and the Saga Bank Cultural Foundation Newcomer Prize. In 2015, she performed with the Kyushu Symphony Orchestra in the Japan Federation of Musicians' Project Orchestra Series, and in 2019, she will perform with the Armonia Orchestra in a concert of all Beethoven concertos.
He is also active as a piano duo, and has won the Grand Prix in the All-Duo Division of the 1st Arcus Piano Competition, the Grand Prix of the 9th Kayabuki Music Hall Duo Competition, and the first prize in the National Competition of the Two-Piano Division of the 2015 Pitina Piano Competition.
He has given many recitals since he was in school. Last year, his performance of "The Ninth" on two pianos to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth was well received.